Phase I was when I started Jujitsu training in 1985 and my hip started locking up.
Orthopedic physician said I'd need new hips in 20 years or so.
Phase II was 2000 when I had problems getting up the stairs into my house without cursing like a sailor.
This time the Standford sports medicine physician said clinically he could replace the hip but I would have to make the call based on the balance between pain and my ability to function.
I went home with the osteoarthritis diagnosis and began researching alternatives to surgery. The changes I made to my lifestyle gave me 5 additional years.
Phase III was last year, 2005 when Dr. Mac Reynolds helped me live with the almost constant pain. He recommended going as long a feasible without surgery but come back for follow ups every 6 months to track progress.
Phase IV is now. Unable to do anything very physical. Not really in pain but not really living either. Ian, a work colleague, had is hip replaced by Dr. Dearborn and was raving about it. He got me thinking about resolving this problem and picking up my investigation again.
This blog thread, "hip", will chronicle my exploration and experiences going forward.
Beginnings, once was old is new again.
Please go to this site and check out Jimmy Connor's hip replacement, the next day video,