Thursday, July 24, 2008

Brine Shrimp Research

My last two years at San Francisco State University included working for Dr. Sarane Bowen. She was using brine shrimp to do genetics research. Sarane taught me that if you apply the techniques from one disciple to another disciple you often gain new incites. We were using mouse genetics techniques on Artemia (brine shrimp).

After my graduation she was kind enough to include me as an author on paper that reported our research findings. I have the original hard copy journal in my library. It is now also available in PDF format from the publisher, The Crustacean Society.

Ecological Isolation in Artemia: Population Differences in Tolerance of Anion Concentrations, by Sarane T. Bowen, Emil A. Fogarino, Kenneth N. Hitchner, Gayle L. Dana, Victor H. S. Chow, Martin R. Buoncristiani and Jaya R. Carl. Journal of Crustacean Biology, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Feb., 1985), pp. 106-129 (article consists of 24 pages)
Check out the abstract if you like. Then we can talk about the meaning of "species". And maybe I'll even tell you about the hopeful monster it was rumored we were searching for.

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