Sunday, October 19, 2008

Two Trains Running

I just finish Two Trains Running by Andrew Vachss. Enjoyed it, he is still a good writer. I've read almost all of the Burke series and while I get completely engrossed in the Burke characters the subject matter is way to ugly to blindly recommend Vachss's books to just anybody. However, Two Trains Running is more like The Sopranos circa 1959 and not as likely to creep/freak you out.

I flagged this entry as "politics" because the back story is about what goes on in local politics and how elections as influenced. The political subject matter reminded me of some of the Ross Thomas novels.

On the book's website there is a suggested reading list. Joe R. Lansdale, The Bottoms; Pete Dexter, Train; James Ellroy, L.A. Confidential; T.C. Boyle, World's End; Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; Michael Patrick McDonald, All Souls; Dashiell Hammett's Red Harvest.

I've read the Ellroy and Hammett books and liked them quite a bit. Guess I'll have to read the others as well. If you have experience with any of this please leave a comment.

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